• Varshavska 1-1/D1 Skopje
  • 02 3176 890

Ultimate School Management System

Single School

School management system is a set of computer instructions meant to help schools manage their day-to-day administrative responsibilities.

The school management system enables schools to keep track of their daily activities while also working all of their resources and information on a single platform.

In the present day, most schools use a school management system to improve efficiency and productivity, therefore saving a significant amount of time spent on administrative tasks.

This method also alleviates the stress of managing large amounts of data from schools.



System summary shown on the home page. Total number of Student, Teachers, Parent and Staff are being shown in the dashboard. Number of students present today, recent events and expenses of present month are also being shown in Dashboard.

Multiple Admin Support

Multiple Admin Support

  • Admin
  • Student
  • Admission
  • Teacher
  • Teacher Permission
  • Parent
  • Accountant
  • Librarian

  • Academic


  • Daily Attendance
  • Class Routine
  • Subject
  • Syllabus
  • Class
  • Classroom
  • Department
  • Subject
  • Event Calendar

  • Exam


  • Marks
  • Exam
  • Grades
  • Promotion

  • Accounting


  • Student Fee Manager
  • Expense Category
  • Expense Manager

  • Back office

    Back office

  • Library
  • Book List Manager
  • Book Issue Report
  • Session Manager
  • Addon Manager
  • Noticeboard

  • Single School Management System
    Supports any platform

    Single School Management System

    School Management System is an information management system used by educational institutions to handle their students' information. It includes class registration, grade documentation, analytical marks for each student, and other assessment components. Schools, colleges, universities, and Educational Institutions use the school management system.

    School management system is a set of computer instructions meant to help schools manage their day-to-day administrative responsibilities. The school management system enables schools to keep track of their daily activities while also working all of their resources and information on a single platform. In the present day, most schools use a school management system to improve efficiency and productivity, therefore saving a significant amount of time spent on administrative tasks. This method also alleviates the stress of managing large amounts of data from schools.

    Ultimate School Management System.

    Single School Management System


    . . . . . .

    Language Customization
    Interesting Features

    Language Customization

    One of the most flexible features of the system is language customization availability. The whole system can be translated manually into any language according to the users choice.
    Permission Assigning
    Interesting Features

    Permission Assigning

    Permission to data access can be controlled by the admin. The user can see or access only the information that they are given permission to. Permission to each teacher’s access to specific class info (or parents permission to track specific student’s activity!) can be specified by the authority.

    Expense Management
    Interesting Features

    Expense Management

    Expenses can be kept updated through this process. It includes creating expenses according to specific purposes. The school authority can keep track of their monthly income and expenditure through this procedure.
    Library Management
    Interesting Features

    Library Management

    All library works like adding book name, author name, number of books, issue status, return policy etc are included in this feature. This keeps library information up to date for the school.
    Teacher Management
    Interesting Features

    Teacher Management

    Unlimited number of teacher profiles can be created by the create teacher option on the right top. The teacher profile can be later on handled by the admin panel as per need.

    Exam Management
    Interesting Features

    Exam Management

    All the pre exam related tasks starting from syllabus generating to grading system can be handled online and can be shared with the student and parents for better understanding of the test.
    Printability to documents
    Interesting Features

    Printability to documents

    Attendance information, fees invoices can be printed from the user ends which makes the school's administrative work more efficient and justified for both authority and parents.

    Fees Management
    Interesting Features

    Fees Management

    All the fees invoice can be generated and shared with the respected personnel through the fees management process. Parents and students can check on their fees status and pay them online using digital platforms. This system makes fees collection easier and safer for both end users.
    Result management
    Interesting Features

    Result management

    Marks, garde along with the teacher's comment can be shared with the students and parents. After the final exam student’s permission to be promoted to upper class is also assigned by the school authority.
    Student Admission
    Interesting Features

    Student Admission

    The student admission system involves unlimited student information adding in the fastest way through a bulk data entry system. Adding manually or excel sheet upload systems are also available. The student’s profile can be viewed, edited, updated or deleted accordingly.

    Manageable Informative Dashboard
    Interesting Features

    Manageable Informative Dashboard

    provides a handle able informative dashboard. The dashboard includes the navigation bar at one side and school information on top. All the notice, news, school events can also be shared on dashboard with all the users.

    Admin (Owner) Login
    Back-end user access

    Admin (Owner) Login

    To access the back-end area of this demo site, use this account credentials:
    • User name: info@eu.mk
    • Password: demoacvilla
    Our Services.

    Powerful features

    Seven user role management

    Rich frontend

    Secure login

    Superadmin/Admin user Panel

    Student/Parent user panel

    Teacher user panel

    Accoutant/Librarian User panel

    Infomative student list

    Student detailed information

    Intuitive student admission Form

    Bulk Student registration

    Student Registration by CSV

    Allocating techer’s permission

    Student attendance

    Weekly class routine

    Academic Syllabus

    Class and multi Section Manager

    Managing classroom

    Departmen wise Teacher

    Event calendar

    Examination and marks

    Student Remarks

    Grading system

    Student Promotion

    Finance and fees

    Bulk invoice creation at Once

    Student payment report

    Offine student free payment

    School expenses

    Generating invoice

    Printing lnvoice

    Books library

    Borrowing books

    Book lssue report

    Academic session

    Install different addons

    Noticeboard manager

    Website settings

    Setup image Gallery

    Setup Slider

    Payment gateway





    School Events


    Photo gallery

    Teacher portfolio

    Homepage slider

    Contact form

    Social media links

    Terms and conditions

    Privacy policy